Καλώδια Interconnect (Digital / usb / hdmi)
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Nordost Blue Heaven Ethernet cable 1m
Τα υψηλής ποιότητας καλώδια Ethernet είναι το κλειδί για την επίτευξη κατάλληλης διασύνδεσης κατά τη σύνδεση εξαρτημάτων AV πρώτης ποιότητας σε οικιακό δίκτυο. Το Blue Heaven Ethernet Cable είναι η λύση που περίμεναν οι λάτρεις των ψηφιακών hifi. Αυτό το πρωτοποριακό καλώδιο επιτρέπει στις συσκευές Network Attached Storage (NAS) και τη ροή μουσικής να ενσωματωθούν πλήρως σε ένα σύστημα hifi, βελτιώνοντας παράλληλα την ηχητική του απόδοση.A-BHNET1M -
Nordost Purple Flare usb 1m A to micro usb
PURPLE FLARE USB 2.0 CABLE The Purple Flare 2.0 Data Cable is the perfect solution for hifi audio enthusiasts trying to accommodate DACS, especially ones that require micro-B or mini-B connectors. This purpose built USB cable consists of four silver-plated, OFC conductors encased in high performance FEP using Nordost’s innovative extrusion process. A double-shielded construction ensures an electrical and sonic integrity that is unmatched in its stock counterparts. Additionally, fully shielded, metal jacket connectors maintain optimum signal transfer. Designed, manufactured and hand-terminated entirely in the USA, the Purple Flare 2.0 Data Cable guarantees the accurate construction required to produce the best possible performance from computer audio equipment.A-PFUSB1M/ABMICRO -
Nordost blue heaven usb 1m A/B
ΚΑΛΩΔΙΟ BLUE HEAVEN USB 2.0 Το καλώδιο δεδομένων Blue Heaven USB 2.0 ορίζει ένα νέο τεχνολογικό και πρότυπο απόδοσης όσον αφορά τον ήχο του υπολογιστή. Η αποδεδειγμένη, ιδιόκτητη κατασκευή FEP και Micro Mono-Filament της Nordost προσφέρει χαμηλή διηλεκτρική απώλεια και ελαχιστοποιεί τα σφάλματα χρονισμού που προκαλούνται από καλώδια σε κρίσιμα ψηφιακά σήματα. Αυτό το καλώδιο είναι κατασκευασμένο από τέσσερις αγωγούς OFC, με βέλτιστη διάσταση για μεταφορά ψηφιακού σήματος. Αυτά είναι ακριβείας, διπλής θωράκισης και τερματισμού, όλες στις ΗΠΑ για να διασφαλιστεί η γεωμετρική και ηχητική συνοχή. Πλήρες μεταλλικό περίβλημα, χυτευμένοι σύνδεσμοι επεκτείνουν τόσο την ακρίβεια όσο και την θωράκιση, ενώ οι επιχρυσωμένες επαφές διατηρούν τη βέλτιστη μεταφορά σήματος. Το αποτέλεσμα είναι ένα καλώδιο εξαιρετικά υψηλής ταχύτητας και χαμηλής απώλειας, ειδικά σχεδιασμένο για να παρέχει την καλύτερη δυνατή απόδοση από πηγές ήχου υπολογιστή. Η ανώτερη τεχνολογία, τα ανώτερα υλικά και η ανώτερη ποιότητα κατασκευής προσθέτουν έως και έναν πράγμα - ανώτερο ήχο.A-BHUSB1M/AB -
Nordost Purple Flare usb 1m A to A
PURPLE FLARE USB 2.0 CABLE The Purple Flare 2.0 Data Cable is the perfect solution for hifi audio enthusiasts trying to accommodate DACS, especially ones that require micro-B or mini-B connectors. This purpose built USB cable consists of four silver-plated, OFC conductors encased in high performance FEP using Nordost’s innovative extrusion process. A double-shielded construction ensures an electrical and sonic integrity that is unmatched in its stock counterparts. Additionally, fully shielded, metal jacket connectors maintain optimum signal transfer. Designed, manufactured and hand-terminated entirely in the USA, the Purple Flare 2.0 Data Cable guarantees the accurate construction required to produce the best possible performance from computer audio equipment.A-PFUSB1M/AA -
Nordost Purple Flare usb 1m A to B
PURPLE FLARE USB 2.0 CABLE The Purple Flare 2.0 Data Cable is the perfect solution for hifi audio enthusiasts trying to accommodate DACS, especially ones that require micro-B or mini-B connectors. This purpose built USB cable consists of four silver-plated, OFC conductors encased in high performance FEP using Nordost’s innovative extrusion process. A double-shielded construction ensures an electrical and sonic integrity that is unmatched in its stock counterparts. Additionally, fully shielded, metal jacket connectors maintain optimum signal transfer. Designed, manufactured and hand-terminated entirely in the USA, the Purple Flare 2.0 Data Cable guarantees the accurate construction required to produce the best possible performance from computer audio equipment.A-PFUSB1M/AB -
Nordost Purple Flare usb 2m A to A
PURPLE FLARE USB 2.0 CABLE The Purple Flare 2.0 Data Cable is the perfect solution for hifi audio enthusiasts trying to accommodate DACS, especially ones that require micro-B or mini-B connectors. This purpose built USB cable consists of four silver-plated, OFC conductors encased in high performance FEP using Nordost’s innovative extrusion process. A double-shielded construction ensures an electrical and sonic integrity that is unmatched in its stock counterparts. Additionally, fully shielded, metal jacket connectors maintain optimum signal transfer. Designed, manufactured and hand-terminated entirely in the USA, the Purple Flare 2.0 Data Cable guarantees the accurate construction required to produce the best possible performance from computer audio equipment.A-PFUSB2M/AA -
Nordost Purple Flare usb 2m A to B
PURPLE FLARE USB 2.0 CABLE The Purple Flare 2.0 Data Cable is the perfect solution for hifi audio enthusiasts trying to accommodate DACS, especially ones that require micro-B or mini-B connectors. This purpose built USB cable consists of four silver-plated, OFC conductors encased in high performance FEP using Nordost’s innovative extrusion process. A double-shielded construction ensures an electrical and sonic integrity that is unmatched in its stock counterparts. Additionally, fully shielded, metal jacket connectors maintain optimum signal transfer. Designed, manufactured and hand-terminated entirely in the USA, the Purple Flare 2.0 Data Cable guarantees the accurate construction required to produce the best possible performance from computer audio equipment.A-PFUSB2M/AB -
Nordost Purple Flare usb 3m A to A
PURPLE FLARE USB 2.0 CABLE The Purple Flare 2.0 Data Cable is the perfect solution for hifi audio enthusiasts trying to accommodate DACS, especially ones that require micro-B or mini-B connectors. This purpose built USB cable consists of four silver-plated, OFC conductors encased in high performance FEP using Nordost’s innovative extrusion process. A double-shielded construction ensures an electrical and sonic integrity that is unmatched in its stock counterparts. Additionally, fully shielded, metal jacket connectors maintain optimum signal transfer. Designed, manufactured and hand-terminated entirely in the USA, the Purple Flare 2.0 Data Cable guarantees the accurate construction required to produce the best possible performance from computer audio equipment.A-PFUSB3M/AA
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- Audio - video connect
- Ηχοαπορροφητικά υλικά - Διαχυτές ήχου
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